- a download manager for BitTorrent
Current version is 1.99.2
Download it from
the project page
You can find the BTManager project on the sourceforge page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/btmanager/
I've decided to release a first alpha version of
BTManager2, although some of the planned features are not
implemented yet. This is for testing only, I don't think
it's quite ready for day-to-day use, but what the hell
So, what's already implemented:
- Most of BTManager1 features
- Fancy progress bars :)
- Hot restart: no more 'checking existing file', except
in some cases
- Most of the configuration is now tweakable from the
Web UI
- No more dependent on the official BitTorrent code; the
protocol has been reimplemented from scratch. This means
that some new cool features could finally be implemented
easily, but it also means numerous bugs. Probably.
- Scheduler: let the downloads only run at certain
- Notifier: some events (start, stop, completion...) can
be notified to the user, for now by e-mail, later on the
desktop (Windows version), and maybe some others later
- Only 1 port is used, no matter how much downloads are
running. This is good news for firewalled users :)
- Basic RSS support
- Some more...
On the way are: i18n (torrent names not
in ASCII), a GUI, and whatever you'll come with :)
So, depending on your OS, you'll have to download:
- The source tarball for Un*x users
- BTManager-1.99.0-setup.exe for Windows users who have
already installed Python, wxPython and pysqlite.
- BTManager-1.99.0-full-setup.exe for Windows users who
don't know what the preceding bullet means.
I expect some endianness problems for Mac users. Some of
the code is in C and though I took care of it, I can't test
it on a Mac...
Have fun.
Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? No! It's some documentation, at last!
How it works
BTManager is composed of the following:
- A server. This handles downloads and therefore must
run permanently. It offers two services: first, it listens
on port 8047 (default) for incoming HTTP connections,
offering a Web-based interface to manage your
downloads. Second, it listens on port 8100 (default) for
incoming connections from the GUI.
- A GUI written in wxPython. This component is
completely independent from the server, so that exiting
the GUI does not stop running downloads.
As for
version 1.1.0, the GUI is discontinued. It will be back in
a future release. Maybe.
Because of its client/server architecture, you're able to
run the downloads on one machine on your network while
browsing and adding downloads from another. To enable this,
Unix users will have to edit /etc/mailcap to associate
application/x-bittorrent MIME type to BTAdd.py. The Windows
installer takes care of the association.
You must either copy all files in the BitTorrent
directory or set the PYTHONPATH environment variable in
order for BTManager to be able to find BitTorrent
More detailed installation instructions, including
dependencies, can be found on the
documentation page.
Windows users should use the installer, which will
take care of everything for them.
Unlike many popular BitTorrent clients,
BTManager is intended to be as non-intrusive as
possible. Many others have hacked the BT sources to be able
to deliver many bells & whistles, BTManager's
functionnality base is just that of BT itself. So, if you're
looking for a client that can tell you that the 8042nd byte
has just been obtained from at a transfer rate
of 5.223336589 Kb/s, go away.